Saturday, October 10, 2009

What A Week!


Have you missed me? Wondered where I’ve been and why my blog has been so quiet?

First, the deadline for my Powerpoint presentation and written lecture – titled, “Written: Word as Image” --had to be electronically submitted to SOFA by 5 PM on Monday, October 5. I have around 3,500 images in my files, so reviewing, selecting and organizing 90 or so was dizzying.

Writing the accompanying text was also. I have never focused so intently on trying to distill down and express ideas about my inspirations.

Happily, I made the deadline -- at exactly 5 PM on Monday evening. Somehow writing that presentation triggered hard, soul-searching work that churned up a lot of emotions, memories and personal questioning. In part because that intense self-reflection coincided with another milestone event in my life.

I turned 60 on October 6th. How did I get here so quickly?!?!?

Delving into the evolution, meaning and directions in my creative life, summing it up and putting it down in writing at this particular milestone in my physical life felt significant. A rite of passage. But to what?

When I woke up on the morning of The Day, instead of the gloom and doom I had been feeling about getting older, I felt energetic and excited with possibilities. Surprise. Gone was anxiety and back was the optimistic me.

A new decade ahead. Ten bright, new years to explore, experience and express – for me to envision and create as I choose. In short, exactly the same as before.


Front of my new business card – it’s been almost eight years since my last one! Isn’t this lovely?

As I prepared and shipped the pieces that will be exhibited by Maria Elena Kravetz Gallery, finalized my new business card and portfolio page designs with my (absolutely wonderful) graphic designer Ian Caspersson, there was one more important activity I needed to include to launch this new decade.

Yepper, this birthday girl went shopping! My studio wardrobe doubles as my exercise wardrobe, if that gives you any idea of its level of sophistication. Kind of like my own line of Garanimals – all the tops and bottoms interchangeable, loose and stretchy!

Definitely NOT what I want to wear in Chicago (OK I do want to, but I won’t).

In between all my SOFA preparations, I spent this whole week living my own personal episode of What Not to Wear, trying on – and buying - clothing and accessories way outside my comfort zone.

So if you come to SOFA Chicago and see a more stylish version of me, don’t walk by – it really IS me.

What a week and what an exciting launch for a new decade.


  1. The 60's was a great decade for me. I hope yours is as exciting and full of promise.

  2. Happy Birthday Jeanne! I love how you found yourself again in all of this. I hope I get to read what you wrote and that you post a photo or two of the SOFA event. Congratulations on all of this. I can only wear paint stained clothes around here too - I could pick up paint at any moment to make a change in something, and I always get some on me. Just reading your post makes me feel excited!

  3. Gerrie, we'll both reach our next decades in 2019. Hope we both thoroughly enjoy our respective ones before our speedometers turn over again!

    Leslie, I seem to lose and find myself pretty regularly! :) Will definitely share SOFA images and some excerpts of the presentation text when I return.

  4. What a wonderful post, Jeanne! I sense a genuine human being, an artist true to herself in your post. I smiled as I read it. I hope the coming year and decade will hold happiness, joyful artistic work, and much success. My best to you!

  5. Have a wonderful time at SOFA! And happiest of birthdays!

  6. Hi Diana, sounds like you've got a great attitude towards life. Thanks for reading!

    Hi Cathy, nice to hear from you! I'm looking forward to SOFA and definitely will enjoy returning to Chicago.

    And Rosemary, your good wishes are always wonderfully heartfelt and a pleasure to receive.

  7. Hi Jeanne,
    You look great in those garanimals :-) I look forward to seeing the new, fancy you at SOFA. we will be coming down Friday morning. We will definitely track you down in the booth, if not the lecture. Looking forward to seeing you again. Tracy P.S.-You wear 60 beautifully, girl!

  8. Hi Tracy,you sweet thing,you! I want to hear the Friends of Fiber Art talks on Friday morning and hopefully attend the Friends luncheon afterwards, although I haven't registered for that yet. Will you all be going to that? If I don't see you sooner, I'll be at the booth after lunch.
