Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Communicating through Making


“Art is a very high, rarified form of communication,” John Frame says in these videos that I discovered at Daily Art Muse. 

John describes his creative system in the first video as a triangle that combines intellectual, technical elements and emotionally authentic experiences, which are “woven together by intuition, which rests at the center.”

His multi-faceted, slow process of bringing creative visions to life, so clearly articulated in these videos, is  both comforting and affirming for all of us who love the creative process. These are made all the richer by the addition of his own original musical score. Clearly a maker whose intuition guides his creative choices, I am touched by the stillness and concentration that brings his ideas into realization.

It does not matter what tools or medium we choose to use to create. It does matter that we seek clarity, focus and connection with what is true and meaningful to us. When we do that as artists, our work becomes infused with strength and emotional content.



  1. What a gift this post was for me. I have featured it on my blog today. Thank you!

  2. Jeanne, I found these videos by John Frame to be meaningful, and expressing as well as possible that wordless place in creating art. Thank you for posting this.
