Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Art of the Steal at Hungerford Studios

The time has come to let go of many of my experimental surface design works and samples along with my dyes, silks and cottons, both undyed and dyed and printed -- and all of my sundry collected-over-15-years assortment of books, magazines, tools and equipment. It's a mega letting go and I'm excited. The old "one door closes, another one opens" adage fits here. I am committed to my new body of work and the directions it is leading me; these materials no longer fit.  

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                     The piles for pricing keep growing and it's amazing how good it feels to let it all go.

This shift has meant pulling everything out of storage areas in both my home and studio and piling boxes and bolts and etceteras in my soon to be painting and printing space.  I'm pulling out the stove, washer and dryer to paint the walls and set up additional work space.  

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As I prepare for the sale, I am visualizing a lovely clear space in my artistic life that is making room for new ideas and new works.  I am ready to pare down, let these much loved and carefully collected raw materials move along to people who will actually USE them!

The sale is mushrooming from my personal studio sale to a building-wide January clearance sale. Turns out that a whole lot of us need to let go of the old as we usher in the new year!

So if you are in the area and want to help me make this shift, please come to Hungerford Studios' "Art of the Steal Sale" on Friday, January 25 and Saturday, January 26, 11 AM - 4 PM. Hungerfordsaleflier 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Hey There’s Nothing Wrong with the Old, But…



IN WITH THE NEW!! It’s 2013!!

A New Year always brings the energy of change and new directions with it and I love the feeling.

For years I’ve been a goal setter and list maker – every day checking off and adding to a never ending list. It feels great to be action-oriented and productive, but all my to-dos started to feel like an endless sea of chores. This year, after reading, reflecting and opening to new ideas for the past few months, I have a new focus: I’M FOLLOWING THE GOOD FEELINGS. That’s it. That’s my compass and map for the year.

How to set that exciting new energy into motion?? Make a list, of course! Here it is and I love it:

My Awesome Desires for 2013

Read more juicy, brilliantly written books that inspire and uplift me and transport me to other lives and times

Enjoy my body. Dance, swim, stretch, walk, bounce and skip through all the seasons and enjoy a limber, fit and trim body.

Savor delicious, healthful foods that nourish my being and delight my senses. Make eating and cooking adventurous and live-enhancing.

Laugh and play more every day. Sing my favorite songs.

Spread kindness, generosity and laughter. Lots of laughter.

Discover wonderful artists, musicians, writers and filmmakers and appreciate their creative offerings.

Practice hope and positivity for myself and for the world. All is well.

Share my thoughts, dreams, hopes and discoveries through my my art and my writing.

Delight in my creative process and make ample time to explore, research and flesh out exciting new works.

Speak about and to myself with kindness, love and nurturing.

Think and speak and practice positive thoughts and words about others. Share laughter and joy and appreciation with each member of my family.

Travel to fun, stimulating and exciting locations and find the best that each has to offer.

Update and refresh my home and studio environments so they truly allow me to feel open, expansive and fully at home, at ease and nestled snugly in comfort and beauty here.

Bring more art into my life. I've added some new pieces to my home in 2012; let this continue in 2013 and fully enjoy the process of selecting each piece. Love and appreciate each one and surround myself in beauty.

Enjoy discovering and purchasing wonderful new clothing and jewelry that convey my love of all things creative and artistic.

Thrill to new discoveries and growth in my body of work so it continues to be become more visually compelling and irresistible.

Accept and appreciate my authority and expertise as an artist, writer and wise woman. Radiate confidence in all that I do.

Connect with my inner compass and trust what it tells me.

Innovate and experiment feeling confidence and trust in the creative process and my connection with my inner compass.

Affirm and bless the gifts that my life brings me each and every day and appreciate how wonderful my life is.

Let my spirit soar and boldly express in every thing I do.

I wish you a joyful New Year filled with many creative adventures. We’re on our way!