"Translations", 22" x22", 2007, $525, for sale during Wild by Design exhibition at MAG.
To create "Translations" I rusted habotai silk, then drew and selected a calligraphic shape based on the original Noguchi. I silkscreened text over cut paper resists, applied the positive calligraphic shapes from dyed silk sheers and habotai and secured them with stitching. The quilting lines echo the calligraphic shapes in the negative space.
After the deaths of my family, being able to return to creating new work has been profoundly affirming. I will be posting regularly again and sharing new pieces. Thank you to all for the caring support you have offered me during these past two months.
Here is one of the last pictures of the three of us together. I am on the left, my big sister is in the middle and my little brother is on the right at my mom's 85th birthday party last summer.
I miss my family. I pray their spirits are finding peace and love and comfort and that they can feel the love we will all hold in our hearts for them always. I want to picture them now with all the other family members that have left here before them, particularly my dad and grandparents. I miss them all. I love you, Mom. I love you, Carol. I love you, Mike.