I even went sledding down our front hill with four-year old Sadie, who soloed for the first time!
After a full day and Christmas Eve, Christmas day is always quite low key for us. We enjoyed breakfast with our stepson Bob and his future wife, Sarah, who stayed overnight. Once they headed out, we made a beeline for the couches. We relaxed, watched some good movies and I talked to my two children and niece that couldn't be here for the holidays. A truly pleasurable holiday in every way as I've taken a mini-vacation from working on any art works in progress or spending time at my studio.
But gradually my thoughts are returning to my life as an artist. While 2008 is quietly concluding, I'm resetting my compass for the approaching New Year with a Big Choice.
I've decided that I've avoided marketing long enough; it is time to accept it as an important part of my artistic life.
To prepare for this new chapter, over the past week I've been reading -- a LOT.
First I read Paul Dorrell's book, "Living the Artist Life," which is the inspiring story of how he persevered through a number of adversities to build a profitable Kansas City art gallery and finally become a published novelist.
Then I ordered Alyson Stanfield's book, "I'd Rather Be in the Studio", which is EXACTLY what I've been saying about marketing for years. Actually PROMOTE MY OWN WORK??? -- a squirmy, uncomfortable topic for me.
But the more I read, the more I have to agree with everything that Alyson writes. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect that Alyson is writing directly about ME (git out of my hard drive, Alyson!)-- I confess that I practically RUN from the work of organizing my data and making a concerted effort to market myself. I'll stick a toe in the water now and then, but have never taken that all important leap to make a commitment to marketing as an integral part of my life.
Well, that is about to change. How much and how fast will unfold over the months ahead. Your success stories and tips are most welcome!
Look for more frequent blog posts as I turn up the burner and put myself in the hot seat to let the world know that I am HERE -- even if it feels a bit like I'm a Hoo from Hooville shouting "We are here, we are HERE." Even so, the small Hoos DO find a Horton -- and so, I suspect, can we all, once we make our presence known.
I'm waiting for Stanfield's book to arrive and I'll confess I've got butterflies in my stomach thinking that 2009 is my year to make the committment to implement marketing as part of what I do.