Saturday, October 24, 2009

Slow Art

My enjoyment in working light over dark continues as this new work above ( full view) slowly develops. It is a contemplative process that doesn't lend itself to exciting blog posts. I may post less frequently but all this slowness -- including posting less often -- is a calming tonic and becoming more contemplative may well be the "next step" for me as an artist.

Although I am working into this surface one small area and very light layer at a time, I decided today to add some language details to a few areas using black paint. The next text may be screened on in light gray.

Yesterday I worked into the piece with some washes of yellows, golds, and light browns over some of the lighter gray areas. I have not yet decided whether I will add more or stop here. They do seem to be adding some interesting highlights.

You can also see where I am fleshing out some details by painting on black lines to heighten the contrast and accentuate some of the smallest shapes. Working this way continues to be thoroughly enjoyable and unhurried. I am surprised to find I feel totally open to allowing this to develop as it chooses.


  1. Painting and posting can be two addictions that don't always work well together.
    Painting is definately the more important activity. And if that means less posts, then so be it - we'll understand. But! it sure is nice to watch your work as it progresses, sometimes . . . . .

  2. Thanks, Dean, it's good to know you'll stick around and come visit my blog even if there are some lulls between posts. My creative pace may pick up again but for now it feels good to be a quiet pool at the edge of a stream instead of a river.

  3. I'm always here when you post. Have you in google reader. I love your work.

  4. Very intricate and blended beautifully!
    Great work!

  5. Thanks, Gerrie, I've started to save some blogs to google reader too -- then I can go catch up on people three or four posts at a time and don't have to try and remember addresses.

    Sadia, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.I visited your sites as well. I particularly like some of your digital imagery -- very complex and intriguing.
